Microbial and trophic bioindicators for reporting the ecological status of coastal areas in SUDOE – BIOMIC
BIOMIC aims to develop a toolbox of microbial and trophic bioindicators reporting on the ecological status of coastal areas.
BIOMIC will allow to evaluate and develop the transferability of a trophic indicator tool, already implemented in France, to Spain and Portugal.
The existing trophic indicator will be completed by the development of microbial bioindicators based on environmental DNA (eDNA) approaches.
The novel tool will be implemented considering the representativeness and variety of coastal and retrolittoral environments of the SUDOE.
BIOMIC will allow to harmonize the management strategies for i) the protection of risks, and ii) the preservation of the biodiversity in coastal and retro-littoral zones in the SUDOE cooperation area (Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts: France, Spain and Portugal).

The project is organized around cooperation between the scientific community, public institutions with the capacity to influence risk management policies, and the private sector and technology transfer. This cooperation will contribute to the elaboration of a common strategy for SUDOE, aiming at actions for the protection and management of coastal zones and biodiversity.
The partners

- Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)
- Université de La Rochelle (ULR)
- Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)
- Université de Porto (FCUP)
- Fundación Pública Andaluza Centro de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Agua (CENTA)
- Aquitaine Science Transfert (SATT Aquitaine)
- Union des marais de la Charente-Maritime (UNIMA)
- Laboratoires des Pyrénées et des Landes (LPL)
- Mancomunidad de Municipios Sostenibles de Cantabria (MMS Cantabria)
- Diputación Provincial De Huelva (DPH)
Partenaires associés
- Consejeria de desarrollo rural, ganadería, pesca, alimentación y medio ambiente del gobierno de Cantabria España
- DG Espacios Naturales y Biodiversidad, Consejería Medio Ambiente y Territorio, Gobierno Islas Balear
- Agence de l'Eau Adour Garonne France
- Région Nouvelle Aquitaine France
- Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque France
- Município de Faro Portugal